Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Countdown Days

Just what we need in our last ten days . . . another animal. Scott is the kind of farmer that tries to leave the loose ends tied up . . so we are "renting" the services of a handsome bull, hoping that Truffle (who is now old enough) and DMC (who is pouring out the milk, but needs to be pregnant again to keep it up) will tolerate his interests and bless the team with two more calves in nine months. Hysterically, this bull (whom we are calling Shadow, because he is smitten by Truffle and has become her shadow) had to be accompanied by his own little herd to the pasture. Yes, we had to pay an extra two dollars so the group of a half-dozen could be herded to escort him to our house, just like a traditional introduction party. They stood outside the fence, he was herded into the pasture, the gate shut, they went home. A simple but traditional marriage.
We're living off the milk basically. There is so much of it. Making very thick yoghurt and using local honey, for a taste that reminds us of Greece and the dreamy promised land descriptions in the Bible. Lunch is often an avocado from our tree, combined with lemons (which are green in Uganda!) from another tree. I know we're heading to a land of abundance, but we'll miss the food that comes right from our yard.
We sort out files in our office, burn 90%, and then try to explain the remaining 10% to Travis and Amy. Life is so much more complex than when we started, so they have to jump in full steam ahead where we had years to gradually build up to this pace. I hope lots of people are praying for them. Garnering more prayer has to be one of our biggest priorities in the five months stateside.
Meanwhile Heidi braves the hospital with Assusi, giving care and the dignity of listening and touching to the ill and dying. I feel guilty preparing to leave while children are such terrible condition. But the truth is only Jesus can heal them, through others as well as through me, and in His mercy He's calling a good number to Heaven these days. As Travis and Heidi keep reminding us, if Heaven were here already, we wouldn't need to be. OK, you're right. It's a long, slow process. And it will have to continue for many, many more years.
And lastly, CSB staff Bible studies, chapel, meetings, chats. Very encouraged by Eric's teaching from 1 Corinthians chapter 1. Paul writes glowing things to a church that later in the letter turns out to need reprimands for immorality, idolatry, strife, disorder, all kinds of mess. Because Paul knows that God's grace is at work. We don't have to pretend that Bundibugyo is in great shape to justify leaving. Bundibugyo is a mess. We are a mess. The world is a mess. But the Kingdom comes, slowly, surely.

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