Sunday, July 11, 2010

D-Day minus 1

Last early morning walks and bike rides: me with Heidi yesterday, Scott with Travis right now, drinking in the cool air, showered by damp grasses shedding dew on the sides of the paths, slipping in treacherous mud, climbing, the dawn loud with weaver birds and complaining roosters, the mountains emerging in outline as the day brightens, taking time to say a few of the things that should be said, but mostly just one last time out in this beauty. Please pray for today. Our official list of guests: 590. Food for: 700. Pray that God would be glorified by a small picture of the Kingdom as choirs from several denominations and schools participate, people from many tribes and religions, young and old, rich and poor, black and white, all come together to acknowledge what He has done. Pray for rain to hold off for one day (unless that would somehow bring God glory!). Pray for us to communicate our thankfulness, commitment, and love in a way that helps people grasp God's care for them. And pray for Pat, the committee, our family, our team to work together well for the next challenging 12 hours. Amen.


  1. you are in our prayers.
    Lee and Debbie Ferguson

  2. Dan and I continue to read the blog and pray for all of you. We will especially lift you up during this time of transition!
    Dan and Karen Thrush
    ( graduated in May and is working at Hershey medical center now and we are expecting a baby in November! We often think back on our time in Bundi and praise God that we were able to experience that together...)
