Wednesday, July 07, 2010

D-Day minus 4, messages from Moses

Last chapel at CSB: Scott asked to preach, and went through Moses' goodbye speech in Deuteronomy 29-31. LOOK BACK (see what God has done, amazing wonders, taking our school safely into displacement when rebels attacked, providing a hundred thousand dollars at a time of desperation, the best scores in the district, the first teams to compete nationally, students graduating from University and coming back to teach, students becoming pastors of churches locally). LOOK TO THE PRESENT and CHOOSE LIFE (there are two paths before you now, life and death, and your choices have consequences . . and the path of repentance and forgiveness is always open when you choose wrongly). LOOK TO THE FUTURE with courage (we won't be with you as you move into new territory, but GOD WILL, and he's sent new leaders). Scott pulled Travis and Deus up as the two Joshuas, the Chairman Board of Governors and the Head Teacher who will now lead the school. We have been part of CSB from the days of dreaming, through the first classes and buildings, first graduates, all the way up to today. All of our children have attended. When we feel discouraged about Bundibugyo, CSB is the place we see hope, the next generation, the seismic shift in soul that will change this place. When we came home from chapel one of my former cell group members, a m'lm girl who became a Christian in our group, was waiting to say goodbye. Much of our souls have poured into this place, along with the Learys and the Barts and the Pierces. We are grateful that Travis and Amy have the vision and love for the school that will take them over the Jordan and on to victory.
Last day of class for Jack and Julia at CSB: and their classmates presented them with a letter of goodbye, complete with Bible verses, a few drawings, and pithy saying. Surprised and thankful that they thought of that. As a pair J and J have added quite a bit of spunk to that class, challenging questions and writing up problems on the board in down time to explain things. They will leave a big hole.
Last ultrasound clinic: Scott decided at the last minute to fill in because Travis had to go to the bank . . and had a blast scanning 40 pregnant women with Antonina, a neighbor, faithful church member, and friend from the very beginning of our time here.
Last dinner with Pat: which was actually our FIRST dinner on the lovely patio that Elwoods helped construct behind the Duplex last year. Pat presented us with a hand-made table cloth that will be a treasure. The life connection forged over 17 years will never be replaced, so we can only reminisce and be grateful and sad.
Last World Cup night: our satellite TV subscription runs out before the final, so we have to watch that elsewhere, but what a fun way to end a month of great games, watching Spain beat Germany, Jack was so pumped he could hardly settle down at midnight.
And on the menu for today: Last Pediatric Ward rounds, last team meeting, and who knows what else.
Read Isaiah 53 this morning. Jesus leads the way in soul-pouring, in bruising, and yet encourages us that he saw the labor of his soul and was satisfied. In the evening Ndyezika dropped by with his little son Arthur, just to visit. A good father and husband, caring for his son. I enjoyed showing him the cows being milked by Scott and Julia, and then Ndyezika's phone rang: he was being called from the hospital because a child needed a blood transfusion, and he asked very professionally "is the cannuala in and read to go . . " and then hailed a boda to take Arthur home and go down to the lab. A glimpse of satisfaction for me, this young man in the position of responsibility, a child's life preserved by his care, no longer needing to have us in the loop. A little glimpse from God that all shall be well.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for continuing to update. I was not able to sleep last night and finally settled down to knowing something needed praying for - mentally went through my family but nothing seemed urgent and when i hit on you guys and CSB I immediately started crying and praying. And I"m not a spiritual weirdo. Believe you me! Anyway. Surely praying for you still.
