Thursday, July 15, 2010

Full Circles

On Wednesday Scott and I did some tying-up-loose-ends errands in Kampala, like selling our truck and closing out bank and phone accounts.  Not so fun.  But we also had the opportunity to meet a doctor who has been a tremendous help to us in the last couple of years.  Dr. B from Tennessee was on his sixth mission trip to Uganda.  Two years ago he contacted us through our blog just when we realized that our "son" Basiime G. had severe vision loss from a rare case of glaucoma in his early 20's.  Dr. B was able to operate on his worst eye during that trip, and begin him on treatment.  More than just surgical skill he offered pursuit.  He took BG into his care, providing transportation, place to stay in the bewildering world of Kampala.  And this time as he returned, he kept at BG and us until we got them reconnected, which was crucial, since BG's better eye is now also losing significant vision due to the high pressures.  Without intervention BG will be blind.  As an orphan who is fending for himself with our help, 2/3 of the way through university, I shudder to think of how he would manage.  It encourages me that God has orchestrated two lives that would have a miniscule chance of intersection, a successful ophthalmologist and a poverty-bound orphan seven thousand miles apart, for the blessing of both. Pray that the new medication works to arrest the loss of vision, and that BG would see Jesus clearly even as his physical vision dims.  And pray that Dr. B would continue to have the resources, wisdom, and heart to offer care to the people of Uganda.

Since we were meeting at Mengo Hospital, Scott and I walked around Namirembe Guest house where we spent our first night in Uganda 17 years ago.  We glanced in the room where the Herron family had been unable to greet us because they had been sprawled sick on beds.  We stood in the parking spaces where our new LandCruiser and the Leary's were parked after emerging from customs exactly as we arrived, a miracle we appreciate more now than we did then.  Later we said goobyes to the ARA staff, a guesthouse where we've stayed many times over the years, celebrating baby first steps and birthday parties.  The ARA staff took us in when we had nothing after the ADF chased us out of Bundibugyo in 1997, I remember lying in the very same bed shaking with typhoid fever and then trying on used clothes from a bag they collected to donate to us, as well as stuffed animals for the kids.  That's how Julia got bear.  And tonight we're in Nairobi on the way to RVA, staying at Mayfield.  This is where Scott spent his first night in Africa as a college student in 1983.  I'm sure he had no idea that he was embarking upon a lifetime here.  

We are here with Pat, representing all our team and family by coming to Luke's graduation with us.  And tonight, as we sat down to do email, Bill and Stephanie, members of our original "Africa Team" from college, walked in.  They are professors at NEGEST.  Sweet to spend time at the end with those who were with us at the beginning.

So several full circles, geographically and relationally, as we move out.


  1. So amazing! I LOVE how well you are able to see the grand narrative running through your day to day stories.

  2. Wonderful to get caught up on your blog...

    I who have only spent two weeks n Africa also stayed in Namirembe Guest House (June 2008) and remember Dan & Betty Herron and when you were sent out of BGO. And I smiled when Bill & Stephanie "walked in". Full circle indeed!

    Hope to see you after "Almost Heaven"...I ca make it to Charlottesville if that is one of yor stops and Lynchburg isn't!

    I continue to pray for you every day.

    Much lov,
    Eileen Lass

    Thank you for giving us a taste of your life, day after day.
