Sunday, July 04, 2010

Sails to the Wind

This quote came in a prayer-email from Rose Marie Miller this week:

"I am seeing more and more that we begin to learn what it is to walk by faith when we learn to spread out all that is against us; all our physical weakness, loss of mental power, spiritual inability--all that is against us inwardly and outwardly--as sails to the wind and expect them to be vehicles for the power of Christ to rest upon us.  It is so simple and self-evident--but so long in the learning." ( Lilias Trotter, missionary to Algeria. A Blossom in the Desert.)

This leaving process has been a journey into weakness.  We are exhausted.  And treading territory we do not know.  We're irritable and discouraged a lot. We know we are letting a lot of people down.  Scott found a file that included the proposal we wrote up in 1992 prior to coming, when our vision was to have trained a thousand community health workers and ten doctors within 20 years.  Reality has not quite matched our dreams, and much of that feels like our failure as we pack up.

But Rose Marie's quote from Lilias Trotter boldly states that all that weakness, physical (another trunk to lift!), mental (decisions, decisions) and spiritual (sadness and mistakes) forms a huge billowing sail, which we raise and spread to catch the wind of the Spirit.  Perhaps God is about to blow into this place in gale force.  Or into us.

So, sails to the wind, we display all our messiness, and hope.


  1. Hi Jennifer and Scott. I have not written in quite some time but wanted you to know you have been in my prayers. I have been reading your blog regularly and as usual find much strength, encouragement, and fortitude to press on as a result of your posts. I know there are so many changes and upheavals ahead, and my prayers are with your family, all those whose lives will be touched by your absence in Bundi, and with all those who will carry forth the work you started there. Much love to you all - Cindy Nore

  2. Jennifer - we have been 'following' and being blessed by your blog and what God is doing in your lives for a while now. Thank you and praises to the Lord for how He is using you in the lives of those in Uganda and now through all of Africa and in the lives of people like us all around the world who read your blog.
    My question... John and I are serving with MTW in member care and mentoring and are in the midst of a relocation and transition ourselves. Your thoughts in reflection of what Rose Marie shared would be lovely to pass along in our own monthly update... would you mind if we shared them? Giving Rose Marie and you the credit - of course, well, actually giving God the credit through you!

    Know of our prayers as you trust Him to give you everything you need - emotionally spiritually, physically... Sounds like you are building your RAFT in this transition process well. (RAFT acronym from Dave Pollack)

    Sue and John Burch

  3. To John and Sue--thanks, and feel free. Sounds like we have a lot in common! We're Pollock fans too, I have the book on my desk meaning to re-read the RAFT sections this week . . we'll see if that gets done. Jennifer
