Friday, August 06, 2010

Half Moon Bay

-Just to keep life interesting, even though we're in the world of convenience and safety . . . when we went on line to check the baggage allowance yesterday for today's flight to CA . . . we found out our tickets had been cancelled.  So our trip to see Scott's family (parents, sister, brother-in-law and kids) was suddenly up in the air, or rather NOT in the air. Three cheers for our trusty travel agent Paul Cardell who spent half a day on the phone with Virgin America trying to sort it all out.  He never did find out the origin of the mystery cancellation, but he did get us onto the flight.  Or rather five of us.  There were only 5 seats, and he knew Caleb had flown alone before and thought Scott and I had to be in CA for a deadline sort of reason, so he booked Caleb on the evening flight.  But advised us to show up as a family of six and pray they would find a seat for Caleb.  Which they did.  I have to say Caleb took it all in stride and was quite prepared to wait twelve hours and travel alone. 

So here we are, another three time-zones west, on the California coast.  We left Virginia in a steamy cauldron of near-100-degree temperatures, and landed on this pacific strip of foggy coolness, nippy temps in the 50's and 60's.  The Myhres are gracious and welcoming, the kids all a bit older, the lifestyle one of outdoors, sports, healthy food, abundant fruits and vegetables in this agricultural area.  We biked a few miles up an ocean-side path with spectacular views, watched out niece in her Junior LIfesaving class (4 weeks, all day, surf boards and games and wet suits and beach and safety and swimming, a real California summer).  The boys are busy with baseball camp and hockey try-outs.  I think what strikes me is the wonder of organized, positive, educational, recreational fun things for kids to do in the summer, a week of tennis and then a week of something else.  And in between times, lots of friends on the street, a real neighborhood and community.  

Sunday we will give a small presentation at the Community United Methodist Church . . Judy in HMB I hope you are out there!


  1. So glad you are all here in HMB safely. Look forward so very much to meeting you on Sunday at church. Warmest (not temperature, just heartfelt) welcome. Judy in HMB

  2. I grew up in the Bay Area and for me my sense of home is when we drive over the mountain and my first glimpse of the Ocean is Half Moon Bay. It's a lovely, lovely place and I hope you enjoy your time there.
