Friday, August 13, 2010


8 August (past) Community Methodist Church of Half Moon Bay, CA
5 August-Sunday School Grace OPC, Vienna, VA (9:45 am)
17-24 August- Trip to Maine, leaving Luke on the way back at Yale in New Haven for orientation
26 August-Caleb departs for Kenya
Sometime between September 7 to 10, visit in Cincinnati and Indianapolis (not yet arranged!)
12 September-TBA, but hopefully Lawndale Community Church 
17-25 September- Mission Training International Debriefing and Renewal retreat in Colorado
25-30 September visit Scott's family in CA
Drive back from Chicago to Virginia . . . 
10 October (Sunday) Faith Christian Fellowship, Baltimore, MD
17 October (Sunday) Trinity Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville VA
22-24 October Family Weekend at Yale
27 October to 13 November . . . Field Director meetings for Scott at WHM in Philadelphia, followed by Team Leader training
20-27 November family Thanksgiving week, with most of our immediate family, including Caleb returning from Kenya (!!)
30 December Departure

In case anyone can connect with us as we move, here is the general plan.  We have about five supporting churches, which represent our life trajectories (Cincinnati and Virginia, meeting and merging in Charlottesville then Chicago then Baltimore).  We want to thank as many of you face to face as possible.  Please join us in asking God to bless others through a first-hand testimony about what He's doing in Uganda, and to find fresh help for our brave and perseverant teams in East Africa!  


  1. We are praying for you in all of these times with family, friends, churches, and traveling. We also pray for some great times of rest, relaxation, and just "chilling out" as your kids keep telling you! We prayed for you today as you present this morning! Lots of love from Bundi! Amy, Travis, kids and Star

  2. If you happen to be passing through the Cleveland area with all of this travel then you are welcome to stay at our house.

    Praying for all your travel and kid time.

  3. I'm so excited to see Indianapolis on your list! It will be wonderful to see you and host you this time around!

