Sunday, September 19, 2010

a tale of redemption

Remember the boy who was so discouraged about football (i.e. soccer)?  And the parents who also grieved to listen to that discouragement at such a distance?  After a soul-searching weekend, the boy decided to play JV and give it his best.  By the end of the week he was named co-captain of the team.  After discussions with his new coach, whom he greatly respects, he changed from defense to mid-field, better suited to his physique.  And at this week's first home game, he started, scored two goals, played almost the entire game, and helped bring his team to victory.  So we're remembering redemption, they way that stories can seem to be drawing to a disappointing fizzle or despairing disaster, and then turn into something better and unanticipated.  And we're trying to remember that the time frame for redemption is usually much longer than a week, so we can all hold on.


  1. so good, and so true...

  2. Just now seeing this post...that is so awesome for Caleb! I really hope that he enjoys this season and can see it as a learning and growing experience in his soccer skills. I really think it will make him a better player as he gets more playing time! God is good!
