Saturday, September 04, 2010

This week's schedule

Note to fellow-sojourners: here is where you can find us, and please
do, if you are in the area!

Tuesday, 7 September, 7 pm, showing our video and speaking at the
Presbyterian Church of Wyoming, in the Cincinnati suburbs.

Wednesday, 8 September, noon, speaking to medical students at the
Univeristy of Cincinnati (contact Dr. Chuck Schubert).

Wednesday, 8 September, evening Bible studay at the Bond's.

Thursday, 9 September, evening gathering at Dr. Emily Pearce's in

Saturday, 11 Septbember, open house from 6:30 pm on, in Chicago, at
the home of Dr. Sandi Hoogland and Dr. James Melia.

Sunday, 12 September, speaking at both services, Lawndale Community
Church, Chicago.

Please contact us, or the people mentioned above, if you need
information or help finding any of these venues. Our hope is that
over the next month we will stoke strong fires of prayer for East
AFrica, for our teams in Bundibugyo, Mundri, and Nairobi, for our
family and our kdis, for the Kingdom in hard places. Our hope is that
all of you who have read and wept and prayed and pulled with us over
the last decade-plus will feel thanked as we interact face to face.
And our hope is that God is orchestrating some divine appointments out
there to draw in the next wave of missionaries.

1 comment:

  1. From a former Sterlingite, I can't imagine what it must be like to return to Northern Virginia after so many years. I have been gone only a few years after a lifetime in the same neighborhood and know exactly how it feels to be completely lost in your own hometown! The farms and redneck high schools of just ten years ago are all long gone.
