Thursday, October 14, 2010


I just got an email from a missionary blogger site that is running a contest.  If you link and leave a comment about our blog, we go into a contest to win a free Kindle.  The Massos went to e-books when they went to Sudan, and we've been thinking seriously about it.  It was painful to leave behind hundreds upon hundreds of great books. like old friends.  But it was not possible to cart them all off to Kenya, and it seemed a bit immoral to remove them from Bundibugyo where they are probably more needed.  So we pray they bless many others.  If anyone wants to increase our chances of winning, leave a comment here:


  1. ill put in my rec! but let me tell you. kindles are NOT the answer. ever.
    dont take away the magic of the real thing...

  2. I suggested you, and posted it on my FB page!!!
