Thursday, December 30, 2010

Out the Door . . .

 . . in another hour and a half.  Essentials going into the carry-ons now:  dramamine for travel sickness, pudding mixes and pine nuts and pecans and chocolate for cheering us through our first few weeks, a Bible and a change of clothes, and the Yale course catalogue for long-distance dialogue with Luke as he starts classes in early January, the SAT prep book in case I can get Caleb to prepare for the exam, and our new Kindle.  Scott has carefully weighed and measured our ten suitcases, keyboard and guitar.  Too scattered for closing words of wisdom other than thanks.  We would not have reached this moment without our army of pray-ers and supporters.  I moved through the five-month HMA in a fog much of the time.  It's been four years since my last set of America goodbyes.  Next post will be from Africa once again.  Prayers appreciated for:
-smooth travel (no snow here in VA but the world is still reeling from a week of storms)
-God's grace to Luke who is now being left alone in America for the first time, not yet 18, another two days with Grammy then off on his own for the Boston Winter Conference (Christian student meeting) Jan 1-5 and then back to Yale.  Lots of unknowns:  classes to enroll in, major to choose, something meaningful to do Spring Break and in the Summer, general survival. . . 
-God's grace to my mom, who has become accustomed to a rowdy houseful.  It's going to be quiet.
-Our purchase of a decent serviceable used truck in Kenya.
-Friends and sports and community and inclusion for our kids at RVA, and Swahili-learning focus for us in the first two weeks of January.
-That we would be a blessing to Kijabe Hospital and World Harvest MIssion as we move forward.

For the world's good, and God's glory.


  1. Wow- where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday we were praying for traveling mercies for the trip to the U.S. and now we're praying you back to Africa. We'll be praying for all of the things you've listed as we continue to thank God for bringing you into our life.

  2. All of you will be in my prayers in the weeks ahead as you adjust to so many new changes. I will be especially mindful of Luke's prayer needs; what a brave young man he is. Your lives continue to touch mine in so many ways, and your faith encourages me every day in more ways than I can express. With love- Cindy

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