Thursday, December 16, 2010

You know you've lived in Africa when . .

You have to TELL your kids NOT TO GO OUTSIDE IN BARE FEET IN THE SNOW. Yes, this happened to me, today. Note the sensible sister in the background, ever-helpful, clearing a path for her grandmother. We got about two inches here in Virginia, the kind of super-cold dry light feathery dusting of snow that sifts down slowly all morning. We fly out two weeks from today, so I'm thankful they all got to experience snow. They actually tried cleats (since we don't really have boots) and played soccer in it for an hour. Meanwhile, the indoor activity: Getting ready to party. Exams are over tomorrow. It's not been a pretty week. Hearts are dragging. Christmas is coming.


  1. um, so, how could I get in on some of those cookies? :)

  2. Hmm, unfortunately Acacia resembles Jack more than Julia in this scenario.

  3. Hooray Jack!

    I had to laugh and applaud - here I've been wearing a long wool coat and gloves with glove liners! Maybe the soles of Jack's feet have been so toughened by walking around barefoot in Uganda that he was thinking "What's the big deal with this snow?" It was wonderful to see you all this fall/early winter. May God be with you and give you a special celebration of Jesus' birth before you return to Kenya.

    Harry K
