Saturday, February 05, 2011

More transition at Christ School

In 2010, we realized one of our longest-standing goals at Christ School … to place a Ugandan at the helm of the school as Head Teacher. We met this goal after much effort, anguish and prayer.
As with every year, 2010 at CSB was filled with highs and lows, frustrations and celebrations. However, in addition to the ups and downs, as Travis and I did our end-of-year evaluation we saw some signs of serious problems. Nearly half of our teaching staff decided to leave in December including two of our most senior teaching staff (one of which was a Deputy Head Teacher). The signs of collapsing morale and a lack of conviction for the Vision of the school led us to decide to make a change in the leadership of the school - 10 days before students were to report for classes. We did this - by faith - not sure how it would play out. God, however, had a plan.

Some of you may remember the story of a young Ugandan who became a Christian as a result of listening to Robert Carr and Alan Lee fight during a car ride over the Rwenzoris – and then repent to each other for how they had sinned against one another. That young man was Isingoma Edward. Isingoma (his name means "the first of twins") has been a colleague and partner to WHM-Uganda missionaries for 25 years. He's got tremendous leadership gifts and the requisite Masters degree for the Head Teacher job. When we offered Isingoma the job last week, his response was this: "I am ready and willing to do anything in my power to serve World Harvest Mission and Christ School." He has a fervent passion for knowing the LORD and making Him known. He firmly grasps the Vision Statement of CSB:

An academically excellent senior secondary boarding school

producing servant leaders

for the good of Bundibugyo and God's glory.

Please continue to pray for Christ School, for Isingoma as its new Head Teacher, and for Travis and Amy as they lead the Team and the school.

Please see the blog of Travis and Amy for a more detailed re-telling of this wonderful story of God's faithfulness.

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful news to hear about Insingoma's new role at CSB! It's like a coup - in the most positive sense of the word. What a mighty God we serve!
