Saturday, March 19, 2011

Myhre Adventures

Luke is on his way back to school after a very fellowship-rich Spring Break, having flown to Michigan to visit a half-dozen former RVA classmates, then back to New Jersey to the Elwood home, then intersecting with the Letchford family from Kijabe to be enfolded into their family vacation in upstate New York including a mountain cabin and a day of skiing.  

Caleb left Thursday on "interim", a week-long opportunity for small groups of RVA Juniors and Seniors to disperse all over Kenya on various trips designed for cross-cultural learning and team building experience.  Some climb Mt. Kenya, some work with orphans, some study coastal ecology.  . . and Caleb's group is learning to fly with small mission planes in the deserts of Northern Kenya.  He flew over out house on his way north, and now he's on the shores of Lake Turkana tonight.

Jack's 8th grade class leaves in the morning to hike, go caving, and camp overnight on an old volcano in the Rift Valley, Mt. Suswa.  And we volunteered to join the chaperone crew.  Which seemed like a fun idea at the time.  But after three months of unmitigated sunshine, we have been plunged into three days of unmitigated rain.  Not a limited storm or a distinct shower, we're talking incessant steady downpour, day and night.  Standing water on anything level, gushing muddy streams on anything not.  An abrupt transition from drought to flood, and we're headed into it with fifty kids.  

Julia will spend her first night in a dorm while we're gone, the lone Myhre left at Kijabe for about 36 hours.

We pray God meets each of us in these departures from our normal routines, and gives us grace to interact with our companions, and a refreshing glimpse of Himself.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like High Adventure for everyone! Have fun.
