Sunday, May 29, 2011

More Luke Returns Home Photos

In the course of coming to RVA we have tried hard to blend into the Letchford family, neighbors, friends, mentors. So it we convinced Hannah, who was walking by with Caleb after working on Chem lab together, to pose for this Myhre-kids-together-at-last photo. WHM educational consultant Debbie H sent goodie bags for all the kids, and even STAR got a fun throw/chew toy. It's great to be able to let her tag along as the kids play pick-up soccer games, or we go for walks or runs. Here they are on "upper field", quiet on a Sunday late afternoon. After two days on the plane, Luke's feet had to get back on the ball . . . Caleb with rugby ball, the new sport in our family. Jack (we forgot the camera!) played 90% of the U15 match on Saturday, which was an honor for him because he's actually on the U13 team. RVA beat Strathmore 12 to 5. And for the first time, we actually arrived ON TIME and watched the WHOLE GAME. Luke ferried a number of internet-ordered items for us, mostly some shoes, sports equipment, a sun hat, and an electric fence set-up for the dog. Guess which shoe I bought last Fall and have used for 9 months, and which just came today? Now you can picture the same aging process occurring in our bodies . . .

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh about the comparison of the aging process on the shoe and our bodies...a frightening prospect!
