Monday, November 28, 2011

Light shines in darkness

Here is one more Advent site, thanks to counselor Susan S here at RVA.  A daily devotion is posted, including scripture, prayers and a meditation.  The site is:
Below the short thought on Mark 13:24-27

Many of us carry the false assumption that the goal in life is to be happy. That is why so many people around us mask their struggles and claim a false sense of happiness. Doesn't God want us to be happy? God cannot intend for us to be in darkness, depression, despair.  

Mark tells this story so we would not forget that darkness cannot stop God. Mark calls us to be honest. Yes, there is darkness. It hurts when someone close to us dies. Our hearts break when a friend abandons us. The pressure to succeed smothers us at times and we don't know if we will ever see the light of day. The one who comes may come right in the midst of that darkness. Darkness does not stop him from making all things new. True, the one who comes may not bring simple happiness. The one who comes will bring meaning.

Michelle Thomas-Bush

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