Saturday, December 03, 2011

Beanie Babies Batch one

Luke reports that we now have 13 beanie babies--3 from friends in NJ and this box which arrived from CT. THANKS!! Just a reminder that he flies out on the 17th, and he has to figure out his packing, so it would be nice to get any shipments by the 15th, which is 12 days from now. Children in Kenya will be very happy. We're aiming for 50 . . .


  1. This will be an odd comment in response to a post about Beanie Babies. However, I was not sure where else to state my thanks for your blog. I came upon it today from a link from another blog, and have been quite inspired. In looking at older 2007 entries about Ebola, I came upon the posts about Dr. Jonah Kule. While reading (& weeping) over his tragic death, I realized that he had passed away on this day in 2007. Four years later, he is still having an impact through his story and the way he lived his life full of integrity & faith. I recently heard integrity described as consistency between values & actions, and Dr. Jonah Kule very much embodied that. Having worked in a village outside of Iganga & at Mulago (and noting the contrasts between the two, not to mention the even starker contrast with US hospitals), I was particularly struck by his commitment to serving in Bundibugyo despite the other opportunities. Thank you for sharing his inspiring story & so many of your own inspiring stories through this blog.

    -Crystal (medical student)

  2. Thank you Crystal. Please see today's post. I appreciate the fact that you searched so far back and read about Dr. Jonah. He was a great man and a good friend and we miss him sorely. May you become such a doctor. Jennifer

  3. I'd like to echo Crystal's comments of thanks; I also found your blog through a post elsewhere. Prayers and blessings for your family and ministry. Got a few more beanie babies coming your son's way from Alabama.

  4. Blessings for your family, you are doing a great job. Glad to found your blog.

  5. Hi Jennifer and Scott! We love your family and we love MK's, so there's about 25 Beanie Babies on their way to Luke. Praying you'll have a wonderful family time together!
    Love, Andy & Debbie K
