Friday, January 06, 2012

Thanking my faithful and generous friends

Luke stuffed his luggage on the way to Kenya with beanie babies. 162 of them, to be exact. And he brought me lots of cards from people who sent them. Vicky B, John, Susan, Ellie and Hannah P, Sarah E, Susan and Paul M, Elaine M, Sally V, Amy S, Debbie H, Dan, Erika, Daniel and Katerina C, I thank all of you. I found email addresses for some of you, but let me say thanks on this forum as well. And to whoever sent packages that Luke did not manage to keep the cards from. Yesterday we scoured craft markets for cute beaded baskets made by Maasai ladies. Tomorrow we start assembling the Valentine baskets which will encourage the students here at RVA as their parents will be able to send them, with notes. Fun stuffed animals, candy ferried by many of the doctor-visitors here, locally made African baskets, and a few fun goodies from the Nairobi grocery stores . . should be great. Thanks to the dozens of people who made this happen.

While I'm thanking, Heidi L and Julie S sent us packages (YEAH! Trader Joe's peppermint Joe's, and a puzzle!!) and Becky T sent a hand-made craft, and my mom's neighbors Victoria and Scott sent us a book and CD . . thanks so much for mailing and thinking ahead to bless us. And we had visitors from Baltimore by way of China, who brought Chinese oreos and cards and friendship and a New Year's Eve celebration. Grateful for their visit!

And I can't even begin to mention our families whose generosity made our trips to Samburu and Mt. Kenya possible.

I thought I'd get nice cards to send back with Luke to mail. I thought I'd write out lovely notes to everyone. But the truth is I didn't, and even if I had I don't have handy addresses for most of you. So please let this serve as a heartfelt thanks.

Below is Luke at the airport yesterday. I miss him so much already. This is a hard day here at Kijabe for me, some disappointments and just the heavy sorrow of another goodbye. So I'm obeying the Psalms and being thankful, hoping it lifts my heart (and if 162 stuffed animals and pounds of chocolate can't do that, I don't know what will!).

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