Tuesday, February 07, 2012


Though many in our family sport "19" shirts in honor of Manchester United's 19th Premier League championship, today we have a real 19. Luke. Who is also a champion. Of courage and perseverance, cross-cultural endurance, loyalty and humor, and the well-crafted word. Of marathon reading and outdoor survival. Of dexterity with a football (the round kind) and personable interaction with friends and strangers. Of navigating the complex world out there without us.

His birthday buddies are Anna Linhardt, missionary teacher extraordinaire, and Joshua Mutegheki, one of his best friends in Bundibugyo, a complete orphan who somehow remained sweet and seeking and hard-working as he finishes his last year of high school.

Thankful for the mercies of February 8, which was not an easy day 19 years ago . . .


  1. happy to visit here
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  2. Happy Birthday, Luke! Love, your much older teacher, :) Natalee

  3. As another mom who is far away from her child on her birthday,my heart is with you. Anna's day of birth was not an easy one either: 5 weeks early and delivered by C-section, only 5 lbs. Thank you for welcoming her into your family. It's a great blessing for her and comfort to me. Thank you also for the lovely calendar you sent from RVA. You're all in our prayers. Love, Julie L.

  4. Julie, Luke was also early, though only 4 weeks and weighed a very decent 6 lb 14 oz. But he wasn't ready and it wasn't easy. Glad they both turned out to be healthy reasonable humans after those rocky starts!!
