Saturday, April 21, 2012

Pray for this child

This little girl, HS, is wasting away.  After two months of vomiting and intractable abdominal pain she was brought by her father to Kijabe, having lost 1/3 of her body weight.  She is a refugee of sorts, her family moved across the border into Kenya from a neighboring country.  After several days in the hospital, being treated for one infection that is probably not the main problem, her father demanded to be discharged today.  I could not comply.  And so an hour of negotiation ensued.  He's from a culture that is abrupt and hostile.  I'm from a culture that believes a child should not be sent home to die with a potentially curable problem.  Even if the father says he has six other children.  Thanks to random relatives, and my MO intern, we reached a compromise that he would give us until Tuesday to find the problem.  This afternoon she returned from a CT scan with the diagnosis of intussuseption.  We suspect underlying TB.  Tomorrow she will have surgery.  In the long tense discussions this morning I sensed that HS's father has the same heart as God our father--he was standing up for his child, and he went to the trouble of getting her here.  I pray that she would be healed in a way that miraculously points to Jesus' love.  Jesus does not give up on us, and we sometimes have to stubbornly refuse to give up on others.

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