Sunday, May 27, 2012

LUKE IS HOME!!!  For a few days our family is whole.  These days become more rare with each year, our family is in a life-phase of dispersion.  So we revel in the right-ness of his being with us until his Swahili program starts in Mombasa.  Half way through Yale.  He's energetic, full of ideas, fun, pulling out his trash-picked treasures from a two-week janitorial job moving furniture and cleaning up dorms after the students left, full of stories, and so happy to be back in Africa.  Almost as happy as we are to have him. 

Here he arrived Friday morning, and we stopped at Art Cafe on our way back to Kijabe.  

Enjoy a few pictures from the last 48 hours, arrival, pizza with some kids and neighbors, church, a hike (not to mention being on call and doing rounds together . . )

The whole family this morning after church, and then we spent the afternoon climbing Longonot.  A long-time wish of Acacia's and a goodbye trip for Caleb and Hannah . . .

 Caleb was asked to lead worship this morning, very meaningful for us as he only has one more Sunday at RVA.



  1. Despite the mold, crazy hours of hospital work, the suffering you witness daily, I see joy in your faces. So glad your son is home. I'm sure your Mama heart is overflowing.
