Friday, August 31, 2012

Future Generations

This phrase comes up in Psalms, and is the name of an NGO founded by one of our Hopkins professors. It is on my mind after visiting Luke at Yale. Yale is such a loaded word. I usually don't mention where my kids go to college unless asked. Either people are unreasonably intimidated by that name, or skeptical and prejudiced against it. In reality, though, Yale is a great place simply because of the great kids who are there. Luke is living in a suite with five other guys, mostly the same group randomly assigned together as incoming freshmen. I remember meeting each of them and their parents a couple years ago when we were all nervous and new. So it was great fun to come back and go out to dinner with them, sit and talk in the suite, haul furniture together, make coffee. One young man spent the summer writing code for a new iphone app to analyze urine dip-stick medical tests. Another did physics research using nano-technology in Munich, Germany. Another was back home in Costa Rica playing football, another rowing crew, another enrolled himself in a cooking school in China. All this sounds intellectual and eccentric. But when you sit down with these guys, they are without exception just down-to-earth, nice guys. Smiling. Finding their way in the world. Endearing. Sincere. Polite. Personable.

It's a great place to work and study and strive and grow for many reasons, but the calibre of kids Luke has found himself in community with is one of the most important.

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