Thursday, October 04, 2012

Sweet Sixteen

"My name is Julia Kathleen Myhre and God wants me to push that button!"  This is the girl whose confidence and spiritual awareness continue to propel her through life.  At sixteen she is friendly. Gracious.  Fun.  Unpretentious.  Seeking.  Hard-working.  Sensitive.  Sure.  More concerned about others than herself, about having fun that looking a certain way.  She's practical.  She grabs hold of a dream and sticks with it, until we all agree, hence the puppy this year.  She is careful with her homework, and spends way too many late evenings and early mornings.  For her Bday she requested coffee cake, for an early family breakfast party.  Her new Netherlands football jersey commemorates the year she first went to the Uganda National secondary schools girls' soccer tournament, and as the only white person and taller than most, the rumor went around that this 12 year old was a secret member of the Dutch National Team.  She still loves football passionately, and this year decided to take up tennis, as seen in her cake above.  She loves people and the outdoors.  After school she went on a long hike with the Koinonia team, the group of students with whom she leads a weekly fellowship.  She arrived home breathless and dirty only a few minutes before her all-girl party, escorted by a group of guys.  Then it was all silliness and laughter and pizza and cake. She received simple gifts with joy and gratitude.   Later she was the speaker for the 100-120 kids who came to the fellowship, and we saw a new side of her, Julia the preacher, capturing attention and testifying from the heart.  Julia is one of the greatest gifts of our life, someone we don't deserve and didn't earn, someone that amazes us more each year.

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