Thursday, October 25, 2012

Welcome to the Pearl

Scott left at 4:30 this morning to get to the airport in Nairobi in time for a flight to Uganda, to meet MAF and then hopefully in the next hour land in Bundibugyo.  This trip was thrown together at the last minute:  he had better hospital coverage here in November, but the team in Bundi had set aside tomorrow for major meetings about CSB, so thanks to gracious pitching in by Drs. Letchford and Claud, off he went.  Meaning I stayed up past midnight writing 26 cards/letters to send some greetings, and we filled up a bag of Nakumatt goodies.  I apologize in advance for the hundred letters I DIDN'T write.

SO PLEASE PRAY this weekend for:
  • The airstrip to be dry enough for Scott to fly in today (Friday) and out Monday.  Hard to do a quick turn-around without MAF!  And they've already had at least one plane-stuck-in-the-mud day lately.
  • Jesus to be present in every interaction, the greetings, the requests, the encouragements, the reunions, the challenges.  Pray Scott would be a river of living water, overflowing to others.
  • Wisdom (another name for Jesus) as the team meets tomorrow to consider what directions God is leading CSB.  This school has blessed all our kids (biological and foster) and is the foundation for lasting Kingdom change.  It is also the epicenter of attack.  Pray for Isingoma and the entire leadership team as they meet with Michael, Travis, and Scott.
  • And for us here.  I left Scott for two months.  Within two hours of him leaving me there was homework crisis over a malfunctioning computer, an adult missionary with medical issues who needed him, missing puppy (she's back), and of all days, Jack's team chose to wear ties to school . . . leading to a slow-loading too-long YouTube how-to video within seconds of him running out the door late.  I don't take lone survival for granted.  Pray also for Baby Lopez to whom I have been quite committed.  She turns 2 weeks today, much of that in the ICU, and her prognosis is uncertain.  I'd love to see her prayed to life.

Thanks for partnering with us.

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