Sunday, November 04, 2012

Counting more thanks

THANKS for the tremendous response to the post about the needs of babies at Kijabe hospital.  Over four thousand dollars were sent by various people, and another several hundred is in the works from a family that decided to make this their Christmas presents to each other.  Besides the two babies who I had asked for help for, I expect this generosity to touch the lives of at least twenty more!

The pictures are of Baby L.  The top one is from one of her first few days of life when she was intubated on a ventilator (breathing tube and life support), had chest tubes draining fluid from both lungs.  She was delivered at Kijabe after a prenatal ultrasound showed a rare and often fatal condition called Hydrops Fetalis.  Over the last three weeks we almost lost her many times. The lower picture is from her 3-week birthday on Friday, when she was breathing on her own with a little oxygen, and being fed.  She still may not make it, but the fact she's still alive is nothing short of miraculous.  She's a first and only baby for her dedicated parents, and they have also swung between hope and despair.  I expect they will work hard to pay most of their bill, but three weeks of intensive care adds up, and we will be happy to be able to help them a bit.

I put Baby L up here to remind all of us that where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also.  I know the people who have partnered with Kijabe Hospital to help children are now investing prayer in their recovery.  I certainly care more about Baby L than many random Kenyan babies because I've spent hours and days and nights struggling for her survival.  Please do pray for children like her to be rescued and to recover fully, for parents to have patience and perseverance, for nurses to work with stamina and insight, for our trainees to learn as they serve, for our consultants to be alert to the correct diagnoses and to carefully direct the team's care.

For now we will close the appeal for the Needy Children's Fund, and let you know when the money you've given has been fully used.

In the meantime if others are thinking about holidays and end-of-year blessings, we have plenty of other great options. One would be the Dr. Jonah Memorial Leadership Fund, the WHM-based fund in honor of the late Dr. Jonah who laid his life down for the gospel during ebola.  We have five young men in medical school, one doing an MPH, and one recent CSB grad (friend and classmate of Caleb) applying as the direct fruit of Dr. Jonah's buried seed.  As each year goes by the tuition costs in Uganda increase.  But we believe these young people are the core of the Kingdom coming in Bundibugyo.  Each is committed to return and work there.  This is much easier since the fund is administered through World Harvest.  Just click  for information on donating.

As we count our blessings in November, we are very thankful for generous friends who join with us in very concrete demonstrations of the love of Jesus to those who are aching for a sign of redemption.

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