Monday, November 19, 2012

Not well, but . .

The world goes not well, but the Kingdom comes.  Today our staff at the hospital gathered and prayed for recent violence in Nairobi.  A grenade was thrown on a matatu killing ten people, and sparking riots between the predominantly ethnic S-li people of that neighborhood and other Kenyans and police ( and  Our WHM colleagues work in this neighborhood.  And many from there come out to Kijabe for care.  Then there was news that the M23 rebels of Eastern Congo are about to advance on Goma, the third wave of revolution to sweep from the border west since we've lived nearby (  There's also a simmering ebola outbreak in Luwero, relatively minor on the ebola-scale with two deaths and lots of panic (  The evidence mounts for the world's not-well-ness.

But the Kingdom comes.  As you pray from now through Thanksgiving please pray for our teams in East Africa.  Scott flew to Uganda tonight to meet with the South Sudan team as they work through a planning retreat this week.  Pray they would seek God's face and follow His spirit as they draw alongside that Kingdom-coming activity in Mundri.  Pray they would be united in their teamwork, their diversity of gifts melding to bless the people of South Sudan.  Pray for Scott to have supernatural wisdom (as in not just his own, but insight from God) to offer as he participates. He'll fly home Thursday and then our Uganda and South Sudan teams will shift to a lovely restful hotel for a spiritual/physical refreshment retreat together.  Pray that they would encourage each other, and be blessed by those they've invited to lead them.  The Burundi team perseveres in language study, and we look forward to some friends landing at Kijabe next week after teaching at Hope Africa University.  The Kenya team is dealing with the terrorism mentioned above.  All can use your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. This is wearying news indeed. I'm following, through Bible Gateway, a Bonhoeffer devotional, 40 days with God. and This morning when I read it the WHM team in Kenya/Uganda/Sudan instantly came to mind.


    Day 11

    Disciples live with not only renouncing their own rights, but even renouncing their own righteousness. They get no credit themselves for what they do and sacrifice.

    The only righteousness they can have is in hungering and thirsting for it. They will have neither their own righteousness nor God’s righteousness on earth. At all times they look forward to God’s future righteousness, but they cannot bring it about by themselves. Those who follow Jesus will be hungry and thirsty along the way. They are filled with longing for forgiveness of all sins and for complete renewal; they long for the renewal of the earth and for God’s perfect justice.


    Thank you for laboring and for longing for God's perfect justice. You have certainly helped myself and many others to long for it and to see more clearly that this world is not yet as God would have it.
