Sunday, November 25, 2012

Two pictures of community

This is the Paediatric team at Kijabe, or at least those we could gather Thursday for Thanksgiving.  Paeds surgery, neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, and Paeds medicine, doctors and clinical officers, spouses and kids.  Plus a pathologist and a teacher for good measure, 41 souls whose existence here serves to bring excellent care to the marginalized.  And they can cook to boot.  Very thankful to be part of this team.
And this is baby C being shy for the camera, a few minutes old, one of the great pleasures (and terrors) of being missionaries at Kijabe.  13 months ago Scott and I stood in this room trying to save the life of his mother, who was going into shock after his tiny precious fetal sister had died.  Today there was great redemption and rejoicing as he was born, strapping and healthy, wailing and moving and sucking his fingers.  We've both been up half the night here but we're smiling with relief and gladness.

Two pictures of community, sharing lives, rejoicing and weeping, eating and praying.  

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