Thursday, December 06, 2012

A Bundibugyo Love Story

In the theme of "Love at the Speed of Email" (2 posts below .. .  we had our own story last week.  We usually miss all the weddings and fun, so we were thrilled (!!!!) to be part of this engagement.

The emails, texts, and phone calls had been slipping back and forth over months.  Josh finished his PhD in engineering at the University of Florida just in time to join the Bundi team before Anna left to teach at Kijabe.  They fell in love.  And over the course of the last few months he plotted how to get a family ring re-set for Anna, and how to surprise her with a proposal.  

We invited her to an overnight in Naivasha with our family, and let her right into the trap:  surprise, Josh had flown from Uganda and met her with roses and an embrace. 

 He took her down by the lakeside while we waited in front of the simple, elegant bandas at Elsamere, the historic home of Joy and George Adamson, conservationists famous for the story Born Free.  Soon they came back with the good news:  she said yes. Here they are minutes after engagement, with the ring on Anna's finger.

Below they are calling Anna's family, and later Josh's, to share the good news.
Since we had drawn Anna (and our kids) in with the promise of a walking safari on Crescent Island, the next morning we did wander among the giraffe and wildebeest.  

This is only the beginning of the story.  These two met in a very difficult environment.  I have my money on a love that will last, and will bless the world.


  1. Thank you so much for loving our girl and drawing her into the circle of your family. I must confess I'm just a tad envious that you got to be part of all the excitement but so thankful that you could be part of Josh's special plan. Also thankful for the pictures that allowed me to be part of the event today and I can't wait to share them with friends who have been praying with me for a husband for Anna. Love, Julie

  2. Julie I feel your pain and would be MORE THAN A TAD jealous . . and I'm sure I will be one day. But you'll be the center of all the important stuff with the wedding and we'll be stuck here. Congratulations and we're so happy for your family. Jennifer
