Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Show the path

Read Psalm 16 this morning.  "I have set the LORD always before me, because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. . . You will show me the path of life."  Praying today for Scott and Caleb.  In about 45 minutes they'll be at the clinic for follow-up.  In the next few hours they need to decide if Caleb is ready to return to the rather harsh life of the dorm, and go back to classes.  Because of the bone fracture and extensive surgery it is no small thing to crutch around a large campus in the snow where 3/4 of the inhabitants are bent upon abusing you anyway to make you tough.  But missing classes is also no small barrier to overcome in survival.  And Scott has a plane ticket to fly out of Denver this afternoon, out of Dulles on Thursday, and land in Nairobi Friday night.

Meanwhile the US embassy just issued all sorts of dire Kenya advice, totaling up all the random bombs and deaths and kidnappings in the last year, so that we're properly sober about the potential for chaos in light of the primary elections due to take place tomorrow.

We are grateful for so many prayers and know they carry us along as the world shakes with torn ligaments and uncertain futures and corruption and riots.  I guess I'm just feeling it today.  Ask the One in whom we put our trust to heal Caleb, to show him and Scott the right path.  To not let him be moved from his USAFA path, nor us from our work here in Kenya.  To give us counsel, to let us rest in hope (v. 9).

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