Sunday, February 24, 2013

breaking radio silence...

Someone wrote a comment and said, "It's been 20 days since you posted on the blog...are you OK?"

Well, I guess there's a reason: Life happens.  It was a perfect storm....

- We are one of six couples who officially "sponsor" the RVA Junior Class (Julia's class).  Every February, the Junior Class puts on "Banquet", the RVA equivalent of "Junior Prom."  It's a "Dinner-Theater Event". So, we have been consumed by Banquet Prep - Jennifer on the "Tables and Settings" Committee and me on the "Drama-Entertainment Committee".  The theme was "TITANTIC"! 

- One of our missionaries in South Sudan was in Arusha, Tanzania about two weeks ago when she developed severe malaria.  She was critically ill and required air-evacuation to our hospital so that we could take care of her (if there's one thing we know how to do, it's treat complicated malaria).  That two sentence summary doesn't really do justice to the utterly stressful and consuming two weeks of treating a colleague who has a life-threatening illness.  She's been discharged from the hospital and is convalescing in our home now.

- Kijabe Hospital.  We're living on the edge, with very little margin.  But it's worth it.  The video link HERE gives a different glimpse of the kids who come for care at our hospital.


  1. Oh THANK YOU for sharing. I had finally read Heidi's blog and realized how swamped you were. I was trying hard not to make you feel if I did! But, glad you posted! That banquet is something else. I remember you sweating it out a few earlier years too! The photos are great.

  2. Titanic? Really? That's what you went with? Couldn't you, i dunno, have picked a boat that succeeded in reaching its destination?

  3. Wasn't my decision. Julia made a strong case for "The Hobbit" as a theme, but it didn't get enough votes...
