Monday, April 21, 2014

Serge, Grace at the Fray

World Harvest Mission has a new name!  While the "World Harvest" label works pretty well in Africa, particularly since we do a good bit of agriculture and nutrition, the label was confusing for most of the rest of the world.  It is a label shared with several other organizations, and sounds a bit harsh and paternalistic if people are the object of the harvesting.  Over the last year our organization has been preparing to make a switch to a name that is more descriptive, poetic, subtle, unique.  A consulting group interviewed many of us and poured over our stories and ministry, and then created a new identity:  Serge, Grace at the Fray.  The serge stitch is used to bind an unraveling edge of fabric, and that is a beautiful picture of the Kingdom work of the people of Jesus in a world that is broken and crumbling.  By grace, we are re-raveling, binding up the broken-hearted, healing and equipping.  Walking into messy places and carefully pulling the pieces back together.  With prayer and courage, participating in Jesus' work to restore and renew.

Check out the logo and a short explanatory video here:
The new website is here:

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