Monday, March 07, 2016

Golden Birthdays, and prayers for boys

International Women's Day (March 8) is a doubly special day for us, because it is the birthday of Jonah Muhindo, the son born posthumously to Dr. Jonah Kule after he died of Ebola.  Little Jonah has 5 big sisters, the eldest of whom will be entering final exams for graduating from University, and the second of whom is applying to study law, and the third of whom is finishing a nursing degree.  This is a family of strong women, and we salute the courage of Dr. Jonah's wife, our friend Mellen, as she perseveres in raising her children and running a much-needed primary school.  Yes, they have suffered, but 8 years ago tomorrow I remember rushing to the hospital with Mellen and witnessing a small taste of redemption.  Turning 8 on the 8th is a "Golden Birthday" in a year of milestone birthdays in our family (Jack 18, Caleb 21, Grammy 80).  Pray for this young man to grow into the character of his earthy and heavenly fathers, to be curious and genuine and hard-working and diplomatic.  (This darling photo is from his baptism, in the same outfit some of our boys were baptized in, way back when ..  sorry I couldn't come up with an 8-year-old photo!).

One of our other partners, Bishop Bismarck and his wife Rina from Mundri, South Sudan, would also appreciate prayers for their boy.  In the latest round of interminable violence and displacement and hunger, Bishop moved his family from S Sudan to Kampala, Uganda, to wait for safety much as we moved our team to Arua.  While Bishop Bismarck was back in Mundri this past week advocating and holding to account and encouraging, his son Joseph (age 22) went to a cafe Tuesday evening in Kampala and never came home.  Bismarck has flown to Uganda to search for his son, just like Jesus looking for that last lost sheep.  If you've seen movies like Nairobi Half-Life you know that there are a myriad of evil things that can happen to a young person on the streets of a big African city.  Please pray that Joseph would be found.  This family lays down their lives for the flock of God's children in a hard place, and it pains us that they would bear another sorrow.  Here is the picture they posted:

Two families who have thrown their all upon God's Kingdom.  And like most of their Biblical predecessors, their road has been marked by austerity, wilderness, grief as well as family, community, success, and joy.  Would you take a minute tonight to pray for their sons?  That Jonah would grow and thrive and carry on the legacy of his dad.  That Joseph would be found, that whatever others meant for evil God would use to bring about good.

As an international woman myself, I feel that praying for these sons (and my own sons) is well within the spirit of the holiday.  

1 comment:

  1. Praying for a miracle for Joseph. My heart aches for his family.
