Friday, March 11, 2016

Staying in touch

Today two swans honked hoarsely as they floated down the river.  A balmy damp Spring front has settled into our valley, and the quiet woods now flutter with cardinals and robins.  Two swallows have started a mudded nest in the eaves of the barn.  My bulbs are poking up here and there where they survived the raids of the groundhog, but unbeknownst to me an entire hillside of daffodils sprung up from owners long past.  Only four of hundreds are blooming, and I don't want to miss their full glory.

But, alas, our little season of settledness draws to a close.  Today we will hit the road again, for almost 3 weeks.  Much of that time will be in California with Scott's parents.  If you are in the Half Moon Bay area we'll hope to see you at the Community United Methodist Church's service on the 20th, or one of their mid-week dinners.  We'll be in Charlotte for Easter with my family, celebrating my mom's 80th birthday a little early.

We are extremely grateful for the last 6 weeks of being mostly stationary.  For lent, for reading, for snow, for Spring, for runs and walks, for meetings and prayer and emails from home.  But the truth of sabbatical is that it is also our visiting time, and our hearts are spread amongst parents and kids and supporters and friends in far places.  So here we go, again.

We continue to send out prayer letters once or twice a month with more specifics, using a service called "mailchimp".  If you thought you were on our list but never seem to see them, check your "promotions folder" or your "spam folder".  If it's still not there, shoot me an email.  We very much value your prayers, and want to stay in touch.

As we go, a few Area updates:
UGANDA:  our team reports that the district is returning to normal after several days of post-election violence that left nearly a dozen people horrifically murdered.  Pray for peace.  And the court case we asked you to pray about (fighting back against an attempt to confiscate our legally purchased garden land for the school) was postponed until April 12.  More time to pray!
KENYA:  pray for transitions, and all the wear and tear that takes on hearts.  Two families have kids graduating from high school followed by home ministry assignments,  one family has just arrived and is studying language.
S SUDAN:  pray for our exiled team in Arua to have vision and God's direction for their uncertain future, to establish friendships with their fellow Moru exiles, to be protected in health.  And keep praying for Joseph to be found alive and intact (Bishop Bismarck's son).
BURUNDI:  pray against the spiritual backlash of attack against our teams there (a flash flood that endangered a few lives, a back problem that is laying leadership low), pray for wisdom to work productively with our church partners in a situation that is politically tenuous.  Pray for encouragement.


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