Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Elisha's room

We have some amazing Shunammites in our lives.  If you recall, there was a "notable woman" who invited the prophet Elisha to eat in her home, and he liked it so much that as often as he passed by, he would turn in there to eat.  He showed up so often that she decided to build a guest room.  No basements in those days.  The room was enclosed on the wall of the roof, with a bed, a table, a chair, and a lampstand.  Elisha knew he had a place to stay in his itinerate lifestyle of preaching and healing.

We are not exactly Elishas, but the life of motion, of carrying a message, of being a little out of step with the culture, of neediness, of burden, we can relate to.  So this is a tribute to the people who take us in.  You know who you are.  Particularly those in the cities where we have had kids in college and medical school, where we keep showing up.  Sometimes I'm embarrassed to call AGAIN, and sometimes you preempt that (like the Shunammite woman) and insist.

On behalf of missionaries everywhere, let me thank the people with the basement bedrooms.  You who keep washing sheets and towels, making coffee and setting out cereal.  Who share your internet passwords and hand over keys, who sit and ask us questions and don't get tired of us coming back again and again. Who let us call at the last minute.  Who don't ask when we are leaving.  And in a case fast approaching, who are vacating the entire house for our family at graduation.

We have seen God's graciousness through the spare bedrooms of North Carolina, Virginia, Connecticut, Colorado . .  (repeatedly) . . and beyond (Illinois, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Georgia, California, Ohio, Tennessee, Arkansas. . .).

We can only pray that God blesses you as miraculously and generously as He did the Shunammite family, though that had is tension of drama, pain, loss, and faith too.  Intentionally entering into the fray with missionaries can be risky.


 And we can learn from your example.  The Fox and the Flamingo (i.e. our Sago farm) has had some visitors this year.  Inexplicably this past weekend we had seven people from four generations and three directions/connections of our life all decide to experience spring in Appalachia, though it was actually WINTER.  We were delighted to make beds, cook meals, direct hikes, play music, pray and talk.



Should you have a taste for mountains, rivers, trees and sky, or for quiet, and a day to spare, give us a call.  We are here intermittently through the next couple months, and we would love to share.


(These photos are from the weekend . . but this morning it is sunny and green about 50 degrees warmer!!)

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