Saturday, October 29, 2016

Kenya on a Saturday

A perk of being an Area Director:  we sometimes get to host potential new missionaries, people who have sensed God prodding them to consider the broader needs of the world, and take their own time and money to visit our teams.  This is pretty great on several levels.  Connecting with people walking the paths we stepped onto 25 years ago (we went through Assessment and Orientation in October of 1991) puts some meaning to a lifetime of struggles and joys and mistakes, and when we find so much in common it makes us feel less peculiar.  We rejoice in potential saving grace pouring into lives on both sides of the oceans.  And we get a great excuse to show off the beauty of Kenya on a Saturday.

The next four days we'll be with a doctor-doctor couple from Mississippi.  We've already found some amazing parallels in our stories.  Today we took them around Naivasha District Hospital, to Java House for amazing Kenyan coffee, then out to Crescent Island, a local private wildlife sanctuary.  (Extra benefit:  coffee and sunshine both cure jet lag).   Here are Scott's photos of the afternoon, to bring beauty into your day as well, to remember the creativity of God, and to prompt the next exploratory vision trip for more Sergers.

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