Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Two Decades of a Daughter

Today, 20 years ago, a spunky little girl took her own sweet time to make an appearance, and changed our family forever for the better. (photo above, David Shirk, below mostly my phone . . . )

Her name is Julia Kathleen Myhre, and she can hold her own when three brothers push too hard, she can score from a corner or defend fiercely in football, she can plant trees and wash dishes and slip in quietly to help, she can write papers and do research and think outside the box, she can pray and hope and inspire.  She's as kind and dependable as they come, glowing with beauty, strong in spirit.
Appropriately, this is also the feast day of Saint Francis, and she reflects his generosity, dedication to simplicity, affection for nature and animals, commitment to community.
Split Rock, 2016

A high pass on the Rwenzori climb, 2008

Florence en route to a Serge conference, 2004

  Today actually started for her in India, took a pause in Dubai, and is ending in South Africa where the southern Atlantic meets the Indian ocean, an appropriate geographical tribute to someone who integrates two continents and two hemispheres in her very being.  Though we are far away, we're extremely grateful for a few gifts of connection.  First, it turns out that Emirates airline has a social media coordinator who responded to facebook messages, and so provided her with a big slice of birthday cake on her flight, to share with her friends.  Second, it turns out that SIT study abroad is a reputable and organized outfit so within a couple hours of landing she had a sim card and internet connection and we could chat.  Third and fourth are small treats still in progress so we'll keep mum on those.

Today also marks a week of A Bird, A Girl, and A Rescue's being published, and a snap-chat from Jack this morning showed me he got his copy.  I'm hoping that some others have been received too . . . and that someone is actually reading it, and willing to start posting reviews on Amazon.  Because this is the second book in the Rwendigo Tales series, and it is dedicated to none other than the birthday girl.  You'll recognize a lot of Julia in the heroine.  And the kids we are trying to boost via the sales of this book are her actual friends and childhood neighbours.

So join us in wishing the Jewel of our family a Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading mine!!!!! I'm only on the first chapter...and my current review is: intriguing! I will post an Amazon review when I'm finished. Thank you for sharing your life with the world.
