Saturday, November 05, 2016

The Spiritual Discipline of the Present Moment

For many years, we have learned the peace of living in the present moment by watching our kids play sports.  Many things contribute:  the setting, outdoors, sun and wind, a taste of God's presence.  The kids running and giving their all, a taste of God's joy.  Sitting with fellow-parent friends, catching up, a taste of God's community.  Focus on what is happening in the now, preferable with no distractions or other places to be.  Now that the Masso kids are who we have closest to hand, we have to add plays and concerts to sports.  Enjoying watching kids do their best, and cheering them on with people we love.

So in an otherwise hard week, driving back over to RVA for the last home game of the boys' football season and for the dress rehearsal of this year's drama, served some healing purpose.  On Thursday evening, we were able to celebrate Madeline's birthday and pray over the Shirks as they head on HMA, then sit with team to watch the dress rehearsal of "The Mouse that Roared" with Gaby in a significant role.  (Really loved the play, humorous and creative and the story line kind of appropriate in a country that was colonized and a school that is so USA dominated).  Friday we came back for the football game, sat with parents whose daughter and son played on teams with ours.  What a kindness to relax into that community again.  The boys won in a closely contested and hard-played game.

Here are Scott's excellent photos, with a plug for watching kids in sports and drama and music when we need to settle into the NOW.

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