Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Still Alive, and mostly well

Christmas Day, the above photo says it all:  6 Myhres together, at the farm in West Virginia, sunshine and joy.

Otherwise, the last month has been FULL, and though we landed back in Kenya almost 24 hours ago and now have computers (thanks supporters!!), I don't think I'm ready to process the richness or face the reality of life moving on from January 17.  Between goodbyes, travel, jet lag, a full day of unpacking and settling and touching base with friends, and a cold settling in by the hour, let me just say welcome back to the blog.

Since we last posted we flew to the USA, spoke at our main supporting church, gathered our adult children to WV, baked and cooked and ate and walked and biked and kayaked and baked and ate some more, cut down a tree, decorated and celebrated Christmas, drove to North Carolina for New Year's fun in Charlotte with my mom and my sister's family including ice skating and movies, drove to Fort Benning, Georgia where Caleb is posted so we could glimpse his life, then flew to California with Jack, Julia, and Acacia to visit Scott's parents and our niece in Half Moon Bay with more biking and walking by the ocean, then flew back to Philadelphia for annual leadership meetings with Serge while the kids went back to start their new semesters.  We flew back to Kenya over the weekend via London with a side trip to Liverpool to visit Kenyan doctor friends from Kijabe who are there for further training.  Which brings us up to today, Naivasha, back to our house and growing puppy and the doctor strike.

Bearing in mind the lack of technology through most of the above, here is a small sample of photos that shall have to suffice:

Here's to 2017, and being back in communication again!!


  1. YAY! I love you guys. I pray your return to strike and still new surroundings goes smoothly and that there is peace all around.

  2. Glad you guys are back! I love reading your posts. - Cori
