Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Lent 2017

Our Lent started early and is stretching indefinitely on as a season of longing, and some minor deprivations, but the church's season of reflection and preparation begins tomorrow.  Forty days using physical reminders (fasting, or prayer, or readings) to shape a spiritual longing for the resurrection.

"The sacrificial season of Lent is a time for us to purposefully go deeper with Christ through reflection, action and renewal. Its structure offers practical ways to increase our devotion and love for Christ. If the church is indeed a hospital for the sick and wounded, then it follows that Lent is its yearly physical and annual tune-up. Lent has been observed by the vast majority of Christians since the earliest days of the Church. It’s a time to cleanse our wills, realign our spirits and strengthen our dependence upon God. It’s a period of genuine repentance, of concentrated reconciliation with others, of fasting from all that distracts us, and recommitting our lives to Christ in love and service."

Here is the Lent (and Advent) site from Biola we have come to love, combining Scripture, art, music, poetry, and insightful meditations.  We're also reading John for Everyone by NT Wright, part of his New Testament for Everyone series.  Our normal Bible reading come from the Church of England's Common Worship Lectionary App so we're reading the commentary on the John passage of the day.

This year the parallel to Caleb's push through Ranger school, and Luke's intensive month preparing for Step Two medical boards, and our long season of strike-related work, plus Jack and Julia's normal challenges of University . . . make 2017 Lent even more meaningful for our family.  We're designed to integrate our bodily experiences with our spiritual growth.  Lent and Advent celebrate the incarnational truth of our embodied souls.  

Join us and most of those who have followed Jesus over two millennia as we prepare to celebrate the resurrection.

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