Wednesday, October 03, 2018


Happy Birthday to Julia!!  It's been quite a year leading up to #22--graduating from Duke, taking a job for the summer on a therapeutic farm for people with mental health issues, then starting in the Fellow's program in Greensboro.
Oct 4 1996

2018 has been a banner year . . .

We had celebrations with family and friends . . .

And then a fantastic cross-country escapade with brothers and mountains and way too many car miles . . .  

I love this one, from Utah, of just the two of us.
And then she went to take her quite brave job in Vermont, then came back to Greenboro NC to begin a 9-month mentored leadership development program encouraging the integration of faith and work. She takes classes 1 day weekly, works 3 days a week for a sustainable agriculture project, and volunteers 1-2 days a week for a church, with this group:
All these pictures show facets of the jewel that is Julia--spunky and sparkly, a committed friend, a kind soul who serves others, a thoughtful young woman who is delving into her faith and identity, a human thirsty for true friendship, a lover of trees and plants who works hard and gets her hands dirty, a steward of this earth for the good of others.  We pray for her to grow deeper in Mercy and Truth this year.
And a accomplished and mature and gorgeous as the 22 year old Julia is, in my heart she is still the 2 year old Julia too, taking charge of daddy's motorcycle and her baby brother.  And off to conquer the world.

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