Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Gently leading the young: opportunities for teachers

This morning Patric led us in a slow, silent, meditative time in Isaiah 40.  My heart got stuck on  . . a voice says, "CRY!" . . because I often feel compelled to say something.  But others talked about verse 11.  Gently, our God leads those who are laden with young.

And we have a lot of young ones in our East and Central Africa Area.  We have over 60 kids on our teams. We reach out to hundreds, thousands of children who are hungry with our nutrition programs in Burundi and Uganda. We have pediatricians, med-peds docs, family medicine docs, OB docs, surgeons and anesthetists and NPs and PAs who are diagnosing and treating the young every day. We have teachers.  Coaches. Pastors. People who pour their souls out to develop the minds and hearts and bodies of the young. Moms, most particularly. The Kingdom of Heaven is made of such as these, we are told, and we often think of the young as innocent or receptive or simple or pure.  These may be true, but I suspect that verse refers more to their vulnerability. Children in most of the world do not experience life bending to their will, or catering to their safety. They experience danger and loss and higher rates of death. The most risky day of one's life on earth is the day of birth.
They are all too often trudging unnoticed. A caring adult input can make a lifetime difference.

We need some teachers on our teams, and soon.  Teachers for our team kids, who enable families to survive in a place far from home. Teachers who will love and serve our children, and those in the communities where we serve.

This weekend Scott and I will be in Charlottesville, VA to thank our Trinity supporters. We had the idea of encouraging Curry school (education) students to consider a two-year teaching adventure on one of our teams. So from 4-5 pm on Saturday the 12th, we will hang out at Shenandoah Joe's on Preston and buy coffee for anyone who wants to chat with us about opportunities.  We also need administrators and youth pastors and just about any gift you have, so even if you aren't a teacher feel free to come.

If you can't make it to Shenandoah Joe's, check out this page from our web site on education, and this one specific to our teacher-for-workers-kids need.

Good news for the world, good news for our kids, good news for the joy of participating in this adventure!

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