Thursday, July 09, 2020

111 Days: #COVID19Uganda helps us embrace our limits

It turns out, our wall is at 111. The morning started with a bat swooping in the dark around our heads in the bedroom, a court case to attend that continues a 6-year protracted attempt to take away food garden property from our school, pushing back against some rash decisions, meeting with people, preparing studies, working, juggling, listening. Phone calls, desperate "I have no food for my kids" letters. We truly love this place and believe in the life God has given us here. The pressure of ever-increasing work with ever-decreasing resources has felt heavier and heavier.

So tomorrow afternoon after work, we are retreating to the wilderness for two days. Prayers appreciated that we will find God's presence in ways that restore and encourage us to go on. Thanks. And that our team will be healthy and safe, various simmering crises will take breathers, various colleagues will be blessed.


  1. Thank you for the update. Praying!

  2. Yes, what Jan said. Thank you and praying.

  3. Waiting to hear how God directed during your time away. Do you know of this family or their situation?
