Thursday, December 03, 2020

A cry of help for BundiNutrition

Guest post from Jessie Shickel . . . because it's been a full, hard, great, sad, normal, abnormal few weeks, more later, but today we want to focus on BundiNutrition. (Giving link here)


"The Father of all mercies and God of all comfort"

At the beginning of 2 Corinthians, Paul talks about sharing in our sufferings and in our comforts. Sadly as the coronavirus numbers peak, fall and peak again in America, the majority world is still suffering from the repercussions of this disease, specifically hunger. Paul continues in the first chapter to say that in our despair we are given the chance to rely on him alone, not ourselves, to deliver us. And that the church needs to keep praying. 

Right now, your financial gifts and prayers are so important. 

My husband and I returned from Uganda in June after 18 months in Bundibugyo working with the BundiNutrition program and Serge team. I saw time and time again as the nutrition team sat in the middle of despair. Typically with a mother on the bench in our assessment room with a child far too sick, and the team wondering all of the following "Why did she wait so long to bring him in?" "What is causing such terrible destruction in this child's tiny body?" "Do we have enough supplies to make it through the line of people waiting outside today?" Many days over the 18 months I spent working in Bundibugyo, I sat in despair, praying and knowing that if we make it through today, it was Christ alone that delivered us - not my own strength or wit or clinical skills. 

The resilience of the BundiNutrition staff is incredible, providing care in a setting that is overcrowded, understaffed, and under resourced. But the need for nutrition help in Bundibugyo is far greater than the ability of the staff to persevere and they can't do it alone. Not without Christ guiding them, not without your prayers interceding for them, and not without your financial blessings providing resources to carry on. 

Since March, Uganda has been rocked by the effects of COVID-19, just like many of your communities, businesses and schools closing and many people simply unable to feed themselves. The nutrition program has been a constant in Bundibugyo for years, meeting needs that are complex, rooted in social and cultural brokenness. We are so thankful for your heart towards caring for the least of these and a desire to see the gospel spread through word and deed ministries in far off places.

Would you consider giving?

Would you consider giving a year end gift to the BundiNutrition fund?

Do you have a family member who would be honored to have a donation given in their name?

A neighbor or a Bible study member who cares about feeding the hungry across all nations? 

Would you share this giving opportunity with them?

Would you pray?

- For stamina for the BundiNutrition team: All three Ugandan workers welcomed new babies to their families this year, please pray for health and energy! Dr. Jennifer is juggling team leader, area director, and Pediatric doctor roles so pray for her to stay healthy and hopeful on really hard days! And pray for Kacie is stretched between the nutrition program, labor & delivery where she teaches Helping Babies Breathe and guiding her own family in a new place!

- For the resources: The finances to purchase supplements for outpatients as well as the actual supply of supplements from the government to be adequate for inpatient needs. For the cocoa harvest happening this time of year to be lucrative and the money generated from that to feed many people! 

- For God to be glorified through this challenging work! 

In Christ,

Jessie Shickel on behalf of the BundiNutrition Team (Bwampu, Bahati, Clovice, Kacie, and Dr. Jennifer)

PS From Jennifer: we committed to our district to increase our giving for nutrition by 50% this year. AND WE DID IT. Plus some. We usually receive about $1500/month in donations; this year we spent $2700/month because we served so many families through the economic distress of this pandemic. This is exactly the right thing. But in doing so, we wiped out our reserve. God can refill it . . . thanks for any help.

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