Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Post Ophthalmology Visit Follow-up Report

Jennifer was evaluated by a Neuro-Ophthalmologist at WVU today, an eye doctor who has done sub-specialty training in the nerves of the eye. 

The doctor who evaluated her today was a little older than us (read: old) and said that he has seen "many" Cranial Nerve III injuries, but only two related to bicycle accidents. In general, he said that a traumatic CNIII injury involves "massive forces".  Most of his patients with a traumatic CNIII injury have been involved in motor vehicle accidents or similar high velocity events (he did mention one related to a baseball bat to the head). 

Overall, he expressed extreme gratitude for Jennifer's recovery and, I think, it's safe to say that most of his patients have not experienced the degree of recovery which she has at the 2 month mark. That said, he said it is now a waiting game. Like we have heard soooo many times now, the recovery time line is about 6 months. Where she lands functionally at the six month mark is probably where she will be permanently - though there may be slight incremental improvement up to the one year mark.

Jennifer is not wearing a patch much at all now. And the doctor encouraged her to continue leave the patch off - and use it only when she is experiencing eye fatigue which is causing more double vision. She has little double vision looking straight ahead at distance. It's only with downward and upward vision that she is experiencing some double vision. He said that at this point we can pretty much rule out any need for corrective (strabismus-like) surgery (Hallelujah!).  There is some slight possible that she could benefit from "prism glasses" (little wedges of glass in the eyeglasses that bend the light and bring two images into one)--but that would not be decided until the six month mark.

Her right pupil continues to be dilated more than the left and her lens doesn't "accommodate" as well on the right which makes reading slightly more difficult with that eye.  But at distance (with her glasses) she has 20/20 in her right (bad) eye--but than her left eye which is 20/25.

So...she has a follow-up appointment in 2 months (late January to assess her progress).  Until then we continue with her "Brain (MIND) diet" (read: Mediterranean diet), her independent physical therapy, lots of rest/sleep, general exercise--and prayer.

Thanks to all for prayers and all the generally encouraging messages she continues to receive.


  1. - grateful for Jennifer's tremendous recovery thus far and praying for continued full recovery. I can not imagine how frustrating it must be to have double vision.

  2. It does seem that Jennifer's improvement is remarkable. Will continue to pray for healing and patience. As improved as it is, I'm sure it's still hard to wonder and wait for what might come or not. Oh, this walk of faith. God is with us.

  3. We thank God for the great improvement in the health of Dr. Jennifer. May He be glorified.

  4. Thank you, God, for each day of recovery and each healthcare provider whose expertise is directing this journey. Please, Lord, give Jennifer the healing she requires to follow the call that you have given to her. Amen.

  5. There is no ability for me to leave a comment on Jennifer's November 12th post. Happy belated birthday. Continuing to pray. Although I've never met either of you I always experience gratitude and joy when I see a new post... and when read that it was Jennifer I literally was brought to tears. God is good.

  6. Grateful to God for the continued healing
