Wednesday, April 06, 2022

The latest from Christ School

 CLICK HERE to read the most recent UPDATE from Christ School-Bundibugyo!!

1 comment:

  1. What a tremendous joy to read about Christ School! The student pictured--relaxed, hard-working, gaining mastery so that he can enrich his contribution, moves my former teacher's heart. Thank you so much for your stamina and guidance through this extremely difficult time of contagion and for your on-going efforts to bring inspired education to children whose chance of obtaining that was bit great and only occurredbecause God worked through many hearts and most of all through all the hands at Bundibugya. The progress in completing the chapel, the metal beds, the teaching materials and the preparation of all these bright and beautiful hope-of-the-future children makes my heart sing. I thank God for all of you, McCkures, teachers, staff, water resource crew, medical and nutrition workers, and most of all the beautiful people who are emerging from your care. God bless you all. Judy in HMB
