Wednesday, March 05, 2008

. . . And back to the Battle

After Birthdays, Visitors, Prayers and Parties . . .(see below) we are now back to the Battle of Bundibugyo, the day to day pushing back against the chaotic fallen realm of the prince of this earth, the daily determination to cling to our God and to His sure but subtly advancing Kingdom. The verse that has stuck with me this week is the one that Jesus whispered as He died, from Psalm 31:5: “Into Your hand I commit my spirit . . “ If Jesus could take that verse from a Psalm of trust and deliverance and apply it to his final moment of suffering on the cross, then surely I can commit all to God in the daily struggle that is life here. It is a little over 24 hours since we waved our last visitors off on the plane. But in that time the onslaught is back full scale. The Paeds ward is packed. Three new 1 kg (2 pound) preemies, more and more desperately malnourished children with tragic tales of mentally ill or dead mother, of absent fathers. A little boy with AIDS whom we have been struggling to reclaim from near death for a month (and who had made real progress I thought), Byamukama James, died last night. We resumed immunizations and full lab services this week since Ebola was officially declared over, but in both cases only after overcoming significant barriers (no record book, interruptions in the cold chain, absent staff, etc.). Meanwhile on the school front, a third teacher moved on to a better paying job. Two had left to join a government school less than a mile away for more money and less work, and this one left to join Coca Cola! There is a significant personal issue that is causing much angst amongst some of our Ugandan colleagues in the nutrition program. And two mysterious deaths are now under investigation for yet another potential viral infection.

Yesterday morning our team gathered to pray. And last night I looked over the list of 12 urgent things we prayed about, and realized that God had moved in significant ways on 9 of the 12 requests! Yes, we are in a battle, but we are not alone. Pray for us to remember that, and join us in praying for His Kingdom to Come.

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