Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Jack turns 10!

Jack turned 10 on Monday, which means that our whole family is in double digits now (until Scott turns 100, but that’s a ways off). This is a great stage in our family’s life, and one we are very thankful for. After his early morning at school we hiked and swam at Ngite with the Bolthouses, where Jack likes to jump from the highest rocks into the pools of the river. The whole team came for pizza, prayers for Jack, a “10” cake with firecracker candles, and we ended with a dance party on the side porch lit by candles and powered by Toby Mac. Jumping, eating, and dancing . . . Plus a little book reading and drawing and hugging or wrestling, and you pretty much have Jack’s ideal day. At 10 he is smart, wild, affectionate, mischievous, loyal, funny, provocative, short-fused, coordinated, and much-loved. And when he dances you know this is a boy who has grown up in Africa.


  1. Hi Jack - Happy Birthday to you too! Sounds like you are a very adventurous young man, and I wish I could see you dance! Your celebration sounded very exciting - I work at an elementary school, and the biggest thing most 10 year olds do here is play a video game with their pizza - no rock jumping for them : ) Enjoy your first year as a "double digit" With love, Cindy Nore

  2. * woo hoo! happy birthday! double digits! woo hoo!

  3. Happy Birthday Jack! Thanks for sharing your family and your home and your beautiful country with us last week. We will be connected to you forever, and it sounds as if your birthday was as wild and original as Caleb's celebration. You guys do birthdays right! Best wishes for many, many more, and each as fun as the last.
    Craig and Lisa Wood

  4. A happy late birthday to you, Jack! Do you know that Brandan, our 9 year old, has the same birthday as you? Somewhere in the busyness of life and different continents I had forgotten that!
    You certainly had a fun-filled 10-year-old fantastic day. The dancing is what I would have loved to see!
    Love, Mrs. Iida (just ask your mom)
