Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This letter was handed to me today, sent by Baluku Moris.  I am posting it in its entirety so that the people who are donating to the Dr. Jonah Memorial Leadership Fund can also enjoy this young man's spirit of appreciation.  Please remember to pray for him, Amon Bwambale, and Monday Julius, all beginning medical school in the wake of Dr. Jonah's death, all the first sprouts of the seed he planted.  Money is only a fraction of what they need; prayer will carry them through to become three dedicated and competent colleagues caring for this district.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am very thankful and appreciative of the sympathy and faith you have had to afford me this opportunity as an individual and also as a community of Rwenzori.  My thanks to you are endless but I strongly believe God the almighty will reward you in advance.
My strongest promise is transparency and not to let you down in academic and professional conduct.  I know that the journey I am going for is thorny and sacrifice demanding and given that I have the spirit of competitiveness, inquisitiveness and the zeal to serve this population, God will be by our side.  
I also ask you to send my heartily thanks to our worthy donors in the United States.  
On University fees, I will establish from the university registrar the exact figure before paying in and then notify you coupled with the receipts to give proof of that.
In a nutshell, I will stand firm to be what you and the entire community would like me to be.  
Thank you Dr. Scott, 
thank you Dr. Jennifer, 
and thanks to the good samaritans in the United States of America.
Baluku Moris
(P.S. The featured rooster was given to us as a gift of appreciation by his parents)


  1. Hi Jennifer and Scott. Thank you so much for taking the time to post Baluku's beautifully written, poignant letter. For whatever reason, today the earthly loss of my beautiful Jess is so painful and overwhelming that I sometimes fear it is unbearable, so to come home from work broken hearted and discouraged and find this note has just made my day. How honored we are to be a part of something so clearly of the Lord. It is hard for me to even convey in words what a burden Jess felt for the people of Africa and how much it means to be a part of helping Baluku and Bundibugyo. I now feel encouraged by Baluku's words: "God will be by our side." Thanks again for all you do each and every day and the impact you have had on my faith in God and my ability to turn my sorrow into joy for the Lord. With much love - Cindy

  2. Praise the Lord! This really brought tears to my eyes and I will definitely be praying for the Lord to grow these seeds and many more in coming years...to think that so soon after Jonah's passing these young men are going to be trained is really remarkable. I love and miss you guys.

  3. What a beautiful expression of thanks. And what an encouraging response to the many prayers offered up over the years that God bring more doctors to Bundibugyo to see these 3 men start medical school this year! A reminder too of the mystery of God's ways. How sad (and painfully Christ-like) that the way for more doctors would come at the cost of losing Dr. Jonah... May God sustain each of these -and those to come - on the long road to becoming physicians, and may there be joy for them in the journey.
