Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday Night report

Thanks to all for praying, two big answers: 
Luke's MRI shows bone bruising and a slightly abnormal signal that is not clearly a tear, so the doctor wants to keep him on rest for four weeks and hopes to avoid surgery. If there is no meniscal tear he should heal on his own. So now just keep praying for full healing and relief from pain. Looks like soccer is still out for a while, but maybe he can resume in the second half of the season. 
Secondly, Godfrey had been ready to refuse surgery yesterday, he was imagining all sorts of horrors and very afraid. With firm encouragement and much prayer he took the step of faith to go to the hospital, and tonight he says that God has given him courage. He will be operated on by Dr. Bonner tomorrow. We continue to pray that this treatment will arrest the progression of his blindness, and that with the glaucoma under control he can resume studies.


  1. Praise God for the news on Luke - I will be praying for relief from pain, quick and full healing, and that he can hopefully return to soccer for at least a part of the season. I will be praying non stop for Godfrey too - for freedom from fear, for peace tonight, for Dr. Bonner (God bless him!!) as he operates, for a wonderfully successful surgery. Hang in there, and know that much love and many prayers are yours - Cindy

  2. I have been watching for this news! So glad Luke can avoid surgery at this point.
    Debbie Ferguson

  3. The Lord woke me up early this morning to pray for these two things. So happy to hear the updates.

  4. Scott and Jennifer, that is very encouraging news about Luke's knee. Lisa and I will continue to pray that he will have complete recovery and pain relief without surgery, as Ashley was blessed by prayer to be healed in spite of a very confident diagnosis that she had a miniscal tear. Godfrey is also in our fervent prayers.
