Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A calf, and milk!!

Our dairy cow, DMC (for Dairy Milk Chocolate, the local Kenyan brand) delivered a calf on Sunday while we were away on our retreat. More about big blessings later, but as we returned home last night and head out to the work we've taken a break from this morning, here is a quick picture of the newest member of the Myhre family farm. The baby is a spindly-legged nappy-furred big-eyed girl, white and brown patched. DMC looks none the worse for wear, relieved of her burden and placidly eating away as milk begins to flow again. The kids are still deciding on a chocolate-related name . . . l

The milk from this cow is probably responsible for several inches worth of healing normal growth in our adolescent spurting children, and for significant contributions to the staying power of our whole team, not to mention various neighbors. We are grateful.


  1. Hi to the Myhres and all your team there in Bundibugyo. Thanks for sharing the sweet pictures of the new calf. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your time at the game reserve. Also, I wanted to tell you how much I have benefited from your exposition on 2 Chronicles as a template for moving into 2009. You have once again encouraged me to move purposefully into the battlefield but know that my eyes are to stay on the Lord, for the battle is His. God bless - Cindy Nore

  2. If I remember the plan correctly send my farewells to SirLoin.
